Please join us for our upcoming events.
Field Trip 1: Tuesday March 18th from 1:30 – 4:00 at Western Museum of Mining and Industry
Monthly Meeting: Thursday March 27th from 5:30 – 7:30 in the Venue Room Library 21C
Competition: Thursday April 24th Themes are Vintage, Digital illustrations, and Open categories
Field Trip 2: Date TBA Fountain Creek Nature Center Pelican Photo Walk with James Van Hoy
Please see above links for more information.
Monthly Meeting: We are excited to announce that Lizzy Lighthall will be our speaker on Thursday March 27th. The title of her talk is “How Modern Digital Artists Create Images”. She plans to show some of her work, how she creates the images, and what programs she uses for her creations. We will be meeting in the Venue Room in Library 21C on the upper level from 5:30 – 7:30pm. Doors open at 5:00.
Field Trip 1: Our first field trip of the year will be to the Western Museum of Mining and Industry located on the north side of Colorado Springs at 225 North Gate Blvd COS 80921. We have arranged to have a private tour of the museum which is all indoors and possibly some of the outer buildings depending on time and weather. This will be a great field trip to practice low light photography and to create images for our upcoming competition. We will meet in the lobby at 1:30 that day for the tour, and we are welcome to stay until 4:00 when the museum closes. Sign up at the welcome desk at our meeting on Feb 27th or by contacting us on the website
Competition: Our first 2025 competition themes are vintage, digital illustrations and open category. Vintage can either be photos or digital creations that look old OR photos or creations of things that are old. This is also our first digital illustrations competition so it can be of any theme. (The speaker for our meeting in March will be presenting on digital arts so more info will be given then.) This will be a judged competition (judge TBA). The cost is $2 per entry and there is no limit on the number of entries.
Field Trip 2: Our second field trip this year will be to the Fountain Creek Nature Center approximately in late April. We plan to head down to the Fountain Creek Nature Center to photograph pelicans as they are traveling through our area. Last year we were a few days too late to see them so we would like to try again. Once we know when the pelicans are visiting the nature center, we will decide on a date and will let you know more information. Location: 320 Peppergrass Lane, Fountain, CO 80817 Cost is free. Sign up at the welcome desk at our meeting on Feb 27th or by contacting us on the website